Eternal sun

16 May - 15 July


At Fjällnäs, each building has its own story, its own life.

Spa treatment

An almost out-of-body feeling.


A new nordic cuisine with traditions.


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Eternal sun

Keskiyönauringon Aika is for us the definitive end of our long yearning for the light. Every living thing burgeons with life and stretches up proudly towards the warmth-spreading sun. We are experiencing a surreal time; a time when the difference between night and day can no longer be discerned; a time when the sun spreads its warming rays around the clock.

It is as if both we and Nature instinctively understand how little time there is to enjoy the blessing sun; a time for us to do all we can, in those brief few weeks, to absorb enough energy to last us through the rest of the year. While time, itself, stands still for a moment, as if it has ceased to exist.

The experience of opening a packed “lunch” at two in the morning, and seeing that the only thing obscuring the sun is one of the sixty surrounding peaks is almost unbelievable, definitely indescribable. Nature is ecstatic, and we with her, during Keskiyönauringon Aika.


Tuesday – Magnificent Hiking

Experience magnificent hiking in a small group with a tour...

Wednesday – Mountain Clinic

Learn the basics for hiking in the mountains. We blend...

Thursday – Singeltrack MBT

Discover unmarked paths on the border between Sweden and Norway...

Friday – Conquer a mountain peek

With light feet and a small backpack, we explore the...

Fly fishing in the mountains

In the waters around Fjällnäs, you will find fish like trout, char and so Härjedalens own provincial fish - the grayling.

Mountain biking above the tree line

The area around Fjällnäs is considered one of the country’s best areas for mountain biking.


Running in the mountains will give you an opportunity to truly understand its primitive power.


Golf in the mountains is an outdoor experience beyond the ordinary.


To stride over the mountains, swamps and moors is what we do a lot of at Fjällnäs.